Dubai Economy has shut down 11 establishments for violating COVID-19 safety guidelines in March.
According to the authority, 252 others were fined and 61 outlets were given warnings.
The violations recorded during the inspections were mostly related to wearing masks and physical distancing guidelines.
“Dubai Economy has intensified our inspections and in March, we saw that 16,475 stores across the emirate fully complied with the precautionary guidelines. It represents an exceptional 98.1% commitment overall to preventing COVID-19. Dubai Economy will continue the inspections along with our various partners and will not tolerate any violation or malpractice detected or reported by the public. Businesses should strictly adhere to precautionary measures, such as, wearing masks and gloves, and maintaining physical distancing,” said Abdul Aziz Al Tannak, Director of Commercial Control in Dubai Economy.
Officials are also urging consumers to report any violations of the precautionary guidelines against COVID-19 through the Dubai Consumer App a, by calling 600545555 or on the consumerrights.ae website.